Friday, 27 January 2017

Inside the Haveli

women's space in the society 
inner journey in Rama Mehta's
"Inside the Haveli"

Rama Mehta's inside the Haveli presents a story of a protagonist gita's identity crisis in the cross culture content.
brought up in Bombay Geeta the independent a woman struggles to maintain herr modern identity in a Traditional World 
of The Haveli of Udaipur.
where she is married there for the novel projects on journey of a final woman is space in the society and to search One's
Own authentic identity

The novel presents mind logging variety of theme as well as style. geeta displys a disgruntled self which is at war
with The Patriarchal convential society. Geeta tried to speak in a distinctively personal voice among the collective
voice aserrting the autonomy of women. Identity is central Concept for much contemporary culture and literary criticism,
which along with its even a vaguer terriminological twin the 'self' has become a cliche without becoming clear inside the Haveli.
Explores a journey the protagonist undergoes to overcome her search for identity at the mental, social and physical level. 
Here journey starts in physical manner where she moves to Udaipur by train after getting married to Ajay educated science professor
having aristo cratic norms.
there is also movement from present to past & past to present which occur in the mind of Geeta she often feel nostalgic alrout
her past as being modern, she feels herself outsider unable to adjust herself in accordance with Talrovs and norms of
conventionally webbed society around her 

the Narrator description highlights :-
2 years ago when she(Geeta) left her presents home in Mumbai city did not know that she was leaving behind have a 
way of life in which there was a free mingling of men and women a recipient of Sahitya Akademi Award(1979) inside the Haveli 
presents and intimate picture of system which existed since fuedal time and is a relation of attitudes towards women &
there status in a curtain section of indian society. it is presentation of life PHED behind purdah in 
Udaipur and focuses on how Geeta arrange to be filled in the most Arthodox family of Udaipur and in the haveli as 
well as it is the study of metamorphosis brought to the haveli by advent.
Women are seen as irredeemably weak, feckless and over promiscuous. The social Struture and paractice of language itself
naturalize notions of appropriate and inappropriate  Female behaviour.
A society lives by to be constructual rather than given and clearly authorized by Social Structure and Systems postulate an 
Inside/Outside Dichotomy on ground basis. in inside the haveli..This haveli is designed only to women, as women have no space in
'outside' society.

Haveli is separated into 2 parts women and men assigning women to the inside of homes and assigning outside of home as men 
The home and health the conceptualized in folk popular and much of literary culture as an essentially feminism space where 
the outer world of Commerce, rule and war is seen as a man's world 
inside the Haveli also deal with this inside and outside dyad at the woman of Haveli they are passive sufferers 
unable to remove the conventional orthodox and traditional rules and taboos of the Haveli however geeta has been
differently brought up she has gone to different situations, studied with boys and Belongs to modern society
How should  such a girl learn to live in that kind of atmosphere.... before getting married Geeta is given an 
advice by her mother keep your head covered never argue with your elders respect your mother in law and do as 
She tell you don't talk too much
Geeta tries to be an ideal daughter but her modern views come into clash when she first lens to Udaipur the minute 
she had put her foot on the platform she was immediately covered by woman singing but their face were covered.... 1 of 
them came to Geeta and pulled her saree over her face exclaimed into horrer where do you come from that you show your 
face to the world
When Geeta lifted her face and pull down the saree to see but one woman named Pari snapped and Rearrange Pallu 
and saying no no you can't do that..!!

"in Udaipur we keep the purdah custom... strangers must not see your face"
the above statement indicate the minance of Parda system according to jung the veil and Pudah are regarded as 
features of psychic empowerment
The practice of purdah in many Asian countries is not merely a form of dress or custom 
But in India it exist both in Hindi as well as in Muslim society and his both in a manifestation when the symbol of power
 relations the Muslim brought with them the Institution of purdah with segregation women not only from any activity 
outside their houses but even from there closer male relatives with the passage of time many of the Hindu families 
adopted this custom and gradually it spread all over India and women started covering their face.

" My father-in-law never hear my voice
  my husband never saw my face
  I never saw the gate of my husband's house"

All the above quotation is a typical description of restrictions imposed by the complex custom on women's
by Purdah system

The practice of keeping purdah that can be seen in upper caste women rather than an lowercast... 
it is fact of majority the upper caste follow the custom strictly....!!
it is often talked about is modesty, izzat, laaz, sharam and its symbol of conformity is the concept of Independence 
freedom that is snaiched from women
I don't think I would enjoy myself around man in fear of rejection for under the pressure of attractive than it could 
be said that the woman president presented in the novel are on the verge of being Homi Bhabha turns into as in between
space the novel projects the educational woman who is unable to new friend just the traditional background in which she
is now belongs to which reveals geeta's journey from an orthodox culture of her parents to conservative culture of the 
The novel also invites feminist critique attention as it portrays the sufferings and disappointments of its protagonist
 and hidden issues it is also important from nearest point of you as we find class distinction Masters and servants in 
the novel it is the story of Gita who is trying to come out of the psychological conflict however it is a truth 
universally that woman has been denied existence is complete you  men being thought they are mentally and physically 
equipped with equal to perform at par with men

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